STA Travel, Brand USA and urban espresso
Between April and May 2014, we had the pleasure of working with the STA Travel South Africa team on some work for a campaign they had running with Brand USA. The brief was simple: write six press releases/editorial releases, each with a different angle to be sent to specific media, to promote the USA as an ideal destination for South Africans.
If there’s one thing that I love more than travel, it’s when I get to combine my other passion, PR, WITH travel. Having said that, this task was right up my alley. Despite never having visited the USA myself, the STA Travel team were great in providing me with sufficient content, and creative freedom, to put together some convincing press releases and editorial ideas.
In the end, we settled on the following six themes:
- An American road trip like no other
- Where a picture while travelling is worth a thousand words – The USA
- This is one I am particularly proud of. This piece was centred around Instagram and images while travelling, and we had travel and lifestyle blogger and Instagrammer, Ensly Dooms, contribute some fantastic tips. You can view this piece on
- The USA – A Destination for all seasons
- Short and sweet, or long haul adventures through the USA
- A South African students ultimate USA bucket list
- STA Travel and Brand USA unveil American road trip videos
- This campaign that STA Travel (worldwide) did with Brand USA is so brilliant, I’ll be doing a blog post about it to give it the attention that it deserves
Given the short period in which we had to write the features and secure coverage, we secured great publicity across various media that spoke directly to the STA Travel target market: campus media, online radio, talk radio, and travel and lifestyle blogs and websites.
Here’s a little taste of the articles that were featured on Bizcommunity:
If you’re a travel brand or agency looking to find out more about how we can assist with your PR needs, be it identifying travel editorial angles for specific media; securing media coverage for your brand and products; or to organise press trips to destinations you promote; get in touch with us. Those kind of things are right up our alley.
Gabbi Brondani
Director, urban espresso
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