Lightstone LIVE Inspect app – a game changer
Every so often, a new development emerges that sets out to revolutionise a particular industry. In this instance, it is an app that is proving to be a game changer when it comes to combating fraud within the insurance industry. The LIVE Inspect app, which has been specifically tailored for insurance companies to perform a pre-inspection at policy initiation, is already winning awards for its innovation. On 14 August 2014, CustomApp, in partnership with Lightstone, walked away with two prestigious awards for the LIVE Inspect app at the MTN Business App of the Year Awards. The first award was for Best Android App – Enterprise, and the second award for App of the Year. recently sat down with Graham Harvey and Jasper van Heesch, the creators of the app, to find out more on their innovation.
Gabbi Brondani
Director, urban espresso